Samantha Lowry
Samantha is the senior director of research and evaluation, where she oversees the criminal justice and victimization research and evaluation practice and the U.S. Department of Justice grant portfolio. She has more than 15 years of experience focused on the spatial and statistical analysis of crime, victim, and public safety data and informing data-driven approaches. She supports applied research and evaluations of training and technical assistance, victim services programs, and initiatives serving gangs and youth violence, human trafficking, law enforcement, behavioral health treatment, and crime control and prevention.
Samantha has proven expertise leading large-scale projects, implementing mixed-method approaches, and collecting data from sensitive and vulnerable populations. She specializes in the application of trauma-informed, victim-centered methodologies and the inclusion of survivors in research.
Samantha has led several statewide efforts assessing victim programming and victim compensation and supports states with evidence-based strategic planning and outcome measurement to understand their effectiveness. She also has experience working with youth and young adults in the juvenile justice system as both a researcher and practitioner.
Samantha earned a Master’s degree in criminal justice from Northeastern University and a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and allied healthcare from Susquehanna University.
M.S., Criminal Justice, Northeastern University
B.S., Psychology and Allied Healthcare, Susquehanna University
“Statewide Crime Victim Services Needs Assessment: Crime Victims’ Perspective,” Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services, 2021.
“Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit,” U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, 2020.
“Final Report: Evaluation of OVC Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network demonstration,” U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2019.
“Human Anti-trafficking Response Team (HART) in Connecticut: Final Report,” Connecticut Department of Children and Families, 2019.
“Social Networks, Delinquency, and Gang Membership: Using a Neighborhood Framework to Examine the Influence of Network Composition and Structure in a Latino Community,” Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 2011.
“Measuring Potential Diffusion of Benefits and Crime Displacement Near Public Surveillance Systems,” Geography and Public Safety, 2011